Do you need to streamline your Company Drug Screening Program?
The drug testing process can be a frustrating hassle for human resource and safety professionals. Between screening new hires and implementing randomized testing for current employees, the paperwork and lag time between testing and results can become a real issue. We are here to tell you there is an easier way to manage your drug screening […]

Is it time to re-evaluate your background screening process?
Although pre-employment screening is a valuable way to vet candidates, it also increases time to hire — and that’s often a big “no-no” in 2018. Recruiters who don’t understand the screening process often underestimate the required timetable. An extended screening process not only frustrates a recruiter’s employer, but also the candidate being screened. The good […]

Understanding “Reason” codes in your FICO Credit Score
If you’re like most people, when you’re informed of your credit score, your focus is on the three digits of that score. That’s understandable because a lender is going to use that score to help determine whether or not to do business with you and under what terms. But the documents you receive with your […]

Understanding background screening and the different products available
The background screening process has many pieces. As the applicant is moved through the interview process, at some point they were provided with a disclosure that a background check is going to be requested by the employer, and they signed an authorization, allowing their future employer to look into specific areas of their life via a […]
QuickApp – Compliance through electronic disclosure & authorization
What is QuickApp? QuickApp sends an email to an applicant to let them view and sign their disclosures and authorizations, fill out all of their own information, create an electronic signature, and then submit it to start their background check. This makes it as efficient as possible for the applicant, ensures their information is accurate, […]