Marijuana Industry Employee Background Screening
With a highly regulated industry like recreational marijuana or the medical marijuana industries, you have to be sure your employees won’t get your business shut down. Each state has different laws and regulations for employees working within the legal marijuana industry. We are here to help you navigate this complex environment and maintain compliant.
State regulators suspend six licenses from marijuana company as one of its owners faces drug charge.
Nova Farms, LLC was notified by the Cannabis Control Commission that all six of its licenses had been suspended because of an arrest from one of the owners with a charge of ” Conspiracy to Violate Drug Law”.
Read more HERE.
Avoid unwanted attention to your business with our detailed screening packages.
Allow us to custom tailor a package for your business based on your state laws. The state of Massachusetts is different than the state of California with its regulations and we are here to get you the most detailed package based on where your business is operating.