You have the right to request a copy of the consumer report (background check) done on you by an employer / prospective employer, Landlord / Property Manager. If you wish to receive a free copy of this report, please contact our office in one of the following ways:
- By phone. Simply call our office at 888-204-0697 and let the operator know you wish to request a copy of your report.
- By email. Send a request to
- By fax. Send a request to 413-241-3658
- By mail. Send your request to:
Background Examine LLC
Attn: Consumer Report Request
75 Pierce Farm Road Suite 101
Fitchburg, MA 01420
If you would like to DISPUTE your background check please fill out the below form and we will re-investigate the report and remove any information found not to be accurate.
In all cases, you MUST provide the following information for security purposes:
- Your full name.
- Your phone number.
- Your full mailing address.
- Your date of birth.
- The last four digits of your social security number.
- The name of the company where you applied.
- How you wish for the report to be returned to you. We can return them by email or fax.
Once we receive your request, we will return the report to you within15 days.